mp3130 series
digital projector
release notes
This file contains the latest information on the following topics:
Resetting all projector settings....................................................................................... 1
For the latest release notes, visit the Support website at www.hp.com/support
Mounting the projector on the ceiling
If you choose to mount the projector on the ceiling, you must use the HP ceiling mount or
a custom mount that secures the entire projector body. Do not use only the tripod
mounting hole to suspend the projector upside-down—the projector may not be
sufficiently secure or steady if it is held by only one screw.
Resetting all projector settings
If your projector settings become completely wrong and you cannot fix them, you can set
all settings to the factory-default settings. To do this, hold down the following projector
buttons for 5 seconds (the buttons listed in the User’s Guide may be wrong):
down arrow + up arrow + right arrow
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